

TohaaDesign offers a range of accessories to visually complete the look of your bathroom or toilet.

Bathroom bin 5L BirdyFlowers

by Bishop Parigo


Bathroom bin 5L Birds Sinfonia

by Maison Christian Lacroix


Bathroom bin 5L Vanity Fair

by Guive Khosravi


Bathroom bin 5L Crazy Maniac

by Skwak


Bathroom bin 5L Roma

by Florence Bourel


Brush Crazy Maniac

by Skwak


Brush Roma

by Florence Bourel


Brush Vanity Fair

by Guive Khosravi


Brush BirdyFlowers

by Bishop Parigo


Toilet Reducer BirdyFlowers

by Bishop Parigo


Toilet Reducer Crazy Maniac

by Skwak


Toilet Reducer Vanity Fair

by Guive Khosravi


Brush Arrow

by L. Rubbrecht


Brush Two Suns

by Camilo Ortega F. alias Corte
